Tuesday, 15 December 2009

No Exam Term Life


Everyone wants a painless and easy approach when it comes to purchasing life insurance. That can actually be a reality if you know what to look for when shopping for life insurance. The painless part has every thing to do with the cost. Term life insurance is by far the least expensive of all forms of life insurance. Easy has everything to do with making a life insurance purchase that is simple and time saving. That points to purchasing insurance that requires no medical exam. These are called the non-medical limits by most insurance companies. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the non-medical limits get very restrictive as you get older. Life insurance companies need examinations to underwrite policies as we get older.


If painless and easy is your goal then it behooves you to shop for the largest face amount of life insurance that you can purchase without a physical exam. The medical insurance bureau is used by almost all life insurance companies to investigate the medical background of all of its applicants. The MIB may have medical information on an applicant that may eventually require a medical examination or a rejection of the application. Do not seek a non-medical insurance policy to hide a pre-existing condition. A future claim may be denied because of misrepresentation on the application.


Try the marketplace and research the non-medical limits. If you are in good health and have no pre-existing condition then a life insurance purchase without an exam is a definite time saver and will make life easy for you and the insurance company. Make sure that you divulge all of your medical history on the application as well as your primary care physician. Annual physical exams and regular medical check ups are viewed as a positive by life insurance underwriters. There you have it. You have enough information to implement a painless and easy strategy for your next term life insurance purchase.



You see them everywhere: on buses, note cards, television shows, books, and even coffee cups. Quotes have infiltrated our very world and are excellent ways of showcasing a unique thought, idea, or inspiration. Many individuals are at a loss when it comes to actually using quotes in everyday aspects of their lives, but fear not! There are a million different uses for your favorite quote.


Quotes do not have to be stodgy, historic, or dated. Many individuals see historians with wire rimmed glasses spouting off famous quotes while teaching lessons to a class of under-eager students. Quite to the contrary, quotes can add a spark of fun in your life!


Use quotes for personalization reasons. Perhaps you have a specific quote that has become your motto over the years. Maybe you have a couple of quotes that best signify your style and your way of life. Embrace your favorite quotes and work to include them into your lifestyle.


Incorporate quotes into the design of your home. Paint words of inspiration above doorways or on blank walls. Frame treasured quotes for posterity or embroider quotes into fluffy robes so that you can remember them on brisk mornings.

Affordable Term Life Insurance


A common way that people search online when purchasing life insurance is "affordable" term life insurance. What exactly does that mean...the term affordable? We all have a sense of the word but let's see exactly how it applies to the decision of what term life plan is best for you. We'll also look at how to get the best rate and most importantly, not pay for coverage that you do not need. So let's look a little closer at securing affordable term life insurance.


Back to the term affordable. According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, the definition of afford is:

1 a: to manage to bear without serious detriment b: to be able to bear the cost of

This doesn't really help us much. Affordable in terms of life insurance definitely points towards term life as oppose to whole life. Whole life can be considerably more expensive and as we discussed in our Term life versus whole life article, the benefits seem to be more for the carrier and whole life agent than you. In fact, term life is probably the only kind of life coverage that falls under the heading of "affordable".


Further more, you are looking at having this coverage for years if not decades. This means you need to be able to afford it...to manage to bear without serious detriment. A 40 year old can get 100's of thousands of life coverage for $30-40 monthly. That's affordable. More importantly, it's much more likely to be affordable 10 or 20 years from now if things change in your life financially. You don't want to be locked into $100-200 monthly if things change. The danger is that if your income decreases or worse yet, you suffer a layoff, one of the first things you'll look at cutting is that big life insurance premium. That defeats the purpose of buying life insurance in the first place. We want affordable term life insurance so that we can feel we can comfortably manage the premium over the long haul.

Health Insurance Quote


Whether you are seeking health insurance through your employer or on your own you will be offered a variety of plans. In order to make the proper decision about which plan is right for you it is important to know the basic characteristics of the most popular types of health insurance. After this it is wise to get many quotes on health insurance and compare them. This is a free way to compare plans and prices.


Fee for service

For many years the fee for service plan was very popular and widely used type of health insurance. The insured pays a monthly fee. A deductible is applied to the cost of the services. Some services related to healthy living or emergency services may be exempted from the deductible. Once the deductible has been met the insured and the insurance company share the cost of services. For most companies the split may be 80/20 or 70/30. The company pays eighty or seventy percent, the insured pays twenty or thirty percent. There will be a cap on the total amount of money the insurance company will pay in a lifetime.


Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

HMOs have become increasingly more common in the last decade. Again, the insured pays a premium which makes him/her a member of the HMO. As a member of the group the member is entitled to visit any of the doctors who are part of the group. These doctors may all work together in an HMO facility or may work in individual clinics as part of a group of doctors under contract to the HMO. Members may have to pay what is called co-pay when they visit the doctor. No paperwork is necessary to validate the claims of an HMO member; however, members may wait longer for non-emergency appointments than they would with a fee for service insurance program. An HMO generally requires its members to have a primary care physician who then refers the member to a specialist if needed.


Preferred Provide Organizations (PPO)

The PPO, a blend of the fee for service model and the HMO model, is a fast growing sector of health insurance. As with an HMO there is a network of doctors from which the insured chooses his/her physician. This physician is responsible for designating the need for specialized care. A co-payment will be required when an office or hospital visit is made. There will also be a deductible and medical expenses will be divided at an agreed upon scale between the insured and the insurance company operating the PPO. A person may choose to use a doctor who is outside of the network. Expenses incurred for medical care outside the network will make the patient’s share higher.

Life Insurance Rates


Life insurance at the present time is very affordable. Competition in the life insurance market together with the cost savings that life companies are making by operating on the Internet has depressed insurance rates, bringing them down to historic low levels. For a healthy non-smoker in their 20s, life insurance rates can in fact be as cheap as £5 per month!


However, there are many factors that influence the final outcome of the life insurance rates for any one individual. Everything from hereditary diseases to diet will figure and, depending upon the answers that we give to the insurance company, will see our life insurance rates climb higher or drop lower than the average rates for our age.

So, just what factors will affect the insurance rates that a life company will quote for life insurance? Here is a summary of the most important elements to consider: -


Age - The younger you are the lower your life insurance rates; the older you are the higher your insurance rates. Young people are seen overall as less of a risk to the life insurance company than older people. This is because the life company simply anticipates that young people with live longer than older people over a finite time from the current date forward. As a result, young people will contribute a higher number of monthly insurance payments before they die than will older people over the same timescale.

Term Life Insurance Online


Term life is a form of life insurance where you’re covered for a number of years - the number of years is called the term. Term life insurance policies can be for as long as 30 years or for 20 years, 15, 10 or 5. After those years the policy can either be over or it can be renewed at a higher price based on your age at that time.

What’s the best way to utilize term life insurance?

Term life is very good to have a lot of insurance – for now. It makes sense if you have kids at home who are dependent on your income coming in for years to come for their living expenses. Also, a spouse, even if working, would have a financial hardship in case of your death. If you can’t develop the funds for permanent life insurance like whole life insurance then get the most term that you can.


Are there “stores” for term life insurance on the web?

Yes, but they are not all the same:

a. There’s the sort that asks for information about you which is marketed to agents as a sales lead.

b. Then there are ones that sell life insurance but want you to give your information before giving you insurance quotes.


c. The websites of life insurance companies themselves which are usually informational in nature and if you email them, you’re referred to one of their insurance agents.

d. An internet site that gives you direct and anonymous access to term life insurance rates. Then if you get a quote that works for you, you can make contact. One that does this is www.lifeinsure.com .

Suggestion/Action Plan

If something happened to you and you have people financially dependent on you, it's crucial that you have ample life insurance whether term life insurance or if finances allow it – permanent life such as whole life or universal life. Go to a website that allows you to learn on your own and get various quotes from a lot of life insurance companies. The web can be of immense help to you in this research.

Term Insurance Rates


When you decide to invest in life insurance you need to compare rates for your individual needs from various companies.

Premiums on permanent life insurance policies are guaranteed never to increase beyond the rates outlined in the policy, even though the cost to the insurance company for providing the coverage will not be known for many years. Due to this uncertainty, premiums must be set at a conservative or higher level which ensures the company's ability to pay the benefits, regardless of the future considerations.


Term Life Insurance Is Different

However for term life insurance, this is not the case as usually the periods of coverage are for a fixed period of years, for example 10 years. If you take such a policy, you would then need to renew it at a higher premium. And you need to remember you may have to undergo a medical exam at that time as the company regards this as a new term life policy.

But the good news is that in Canada, you can buy a "Term 100 year" policy which takes you up to that age at a fixed premium. It's more expensive than a "Term life 10 year" or a "Term life 20 year" policy but except for older ages, it it still less expensive than whole life insurance.


The Cost Of A Term Life Insurance Or Whole Life Policy Is Determined By Three Basic Factors:

Mortality. The life insurance company initially assumes a certain projected rate of mortality for the lives of those insured. This rate varies with age, product, sex, health and number of years from the issue.

Expenses. The insurance company projects future operating expenses, such as policy acquisition costs, company operating expenses, and other costs of doing business.

Life Insurance


If we have to succeed in our life, we have to be practical. We should accept the reality of life that we are going to die one day. When and how? No one knows and no one can also predict, not even the astrologers can predict the exact day and time of anybody’s death. Can you predict? The answer will be no. Bearing in mind the facts, we should take appropriate decisions in our life to prevent from all the financial disasters which may come in our life at any phase. If we are mentally, emotionally and financially strong, then no one can beat us is life. Investing in the life insurance policy possibly will be the one and only solution to all our problems. If we have secured our selves and have invested in any of the policies, then we can lead a tension free life for the rest of our years. Our children will not have to face any problems in their life, nor will they have to cut down to their comforts and neither will they have to drop out their studies before time. They can lead a comfortable life even if we do not exist.


The life partner will not also have to struggle to take care of the children because all the expenses will be covered by the insurance company itself. The educational expenses, the wedding expenses or any other type of expenses will be covered by them itself. We will have to least worry about that. There are several types of policies we can benefit from. The only need is that we have to get proper guidance from any of the life insurance policy agent or any financial advisor to how to mange to handle all the terms and conditions of the life insurance policy so that no confusion arises afterwards. Everything has to be perfect before investing.


Plans should be made according to the needs of the family. How many people are there in the family? Which family member needs what? How many children in the family need to be educated? For how many years more they will require education? If you can find the answers to all these questions, then it will be easy for you to make up your mind to which life insurance policy to invest in and which will suit your pocket accordingly without disturbing your present expenses.


My friend is working in the life insurance company and he very well knows about all the life insurance policies and their benefits. I took his advice, planned all my details with him and understood the various schemes that the life insurance company offers and then finally I decided to invest in the whole term life insurance policy. Now I least had to worry about the future of my 2 little children. One is 12 years old and the other is 16 years old. Their education will now not be affected and they can fulfill their dreams even if anything happens to me before they grow up.

Whole Life Insurance Quotes


Everybody is running out to get term life insurance quotes now. May, be the phrase I should use is, going online to get quotes. Is it that the number of people interested in life insurance have increased dramatically with nothing driving them, or is the reason because they realize life is so easy to lose, fragile to say it mildly? After 911 and hurricane Katrina you cannot help but wonder. People say I can die at anytime, I might as well make my family have something worthwhile when I die.


The young people in the military enter their favorite branch of service with such enthusiasm. They go in, some to make it a career, some who are real warriors, and some just to get an education. They are so young. In todays military they should all get term life insurance quotes and buy some insurance, over and above what the military offers.


The American people enjoy such prosperity today. There is, however, a dear price they paid for it. Americans build industry and just when you think they have saturated all markets with a particular product, they come up with something related, but new. Look at the automobile. Thirty or forty years ago they dominated the automobile industry worldwide. The Germans and the Japanese cut deeply into this industry, until the Japanese dominated. Americans were not about to quit. They created the sports utility vehicle which put them back where they belong, in the number one position.

Life Insurance Quotes


People think seriously about life insurance when they are getting married or when they become a parent the very first time. Men are constant worriers regarding the future of their families, in wake of their sudden accidental deaths. To ease this very worry, smart people came up with the concept of life insurance. As a concept, life insurance is not a novel idea รข€“ it has been there since some time. However, owing to the increased uncertainties of our times, the life insurance sector has shown a very healthy growth rate in the recent past. Fear of death encourages people to go for life insurance policies.


Life insurance can usually be divided into two categories - term life insurance and permanent life insurance. It is of import to know how the two are different. If someone buys a policy unfit for him, then he has merely wasted his time and money. To get a complete understanding of the differences between term life insurance and permanent life insurance, one can hire a life insurance professional. A good professional can easily provide the necessary data.

Before asking the life insurance professional for good life insurance quotes, it would be better for the customer to get some basic information regarding the life insurance policies and the plus and minus points. These days it is very easy to procure the life insurance quotes and long waits are a thing of the past. Most insurance companies are trying to be very quick about fulfilling the needs of the customers. They have realized that time is money and must be valued at any cost.

Term Life


Now days many companies are offering many different life insurance programs, but why is it that term life insurance is the most sought after insurance policy? The answer is simple that term life insurance is the most easiest and simple life insurance plan. This policy has a many flexible options compared to other insurance policies. But still many people are not aware of good advantages this policy will have in your life. This policy is the perfect choice for those who are young and have already accumulated debts in the form of educational or house mortgage or a car loan. As this policy takes care of all your debts, you can make the life of your dependents secure by buying a term life insurance policy. This will bring some relief to your loved ones who are already mourning your loss.


When you are choosing a term life insurance you will come across to two choices these are term life insurance for funeral expenses and term life insurance for income replacement in families. Although no one would like to even think of dying, but no one can ignore the fact that death is something which is inevitable and everyone has to die one day, but what about the funeral cost which are rising with every passing day. Your family has to bear the cost of your funeral, unless you have a term life insurance which would take care of it. Term life insurance will help your family by taking care of your funeral cost thus resulting in savings of thousands of dollars of your loved ones who are already having enough to deal with. The cost of living is very high now days and it takes two people to take care of a family. Once you are gone, term life insurance is one sure way, by which you can safe guard your family’s future in case of accidental death. This policy will make sure that you have a safe family life in case of your sudden departure.


Term life insurance has some certain advantages when it comes to receiving. Since this is the cheapest life insurance policy you can start the savings from the day one in the form of lower monthly premiums. This insurance plan is also flexible when it comes add or remove certain clauses. You can design the policy according to your personal needs and it does not has a fixed clause. When you are purchasing a term life insurance make sure to check out with the conversion clause in close consideration. Since you can choose the term of your life insurance in a term life insurance, you can select a very short term life insurance to begin with and then you can increase the term of your insurance policy according to your requirements.

Life Quotes


Shopping online for life insurance quotes is becoming increasingly popular in the UK and throughout Europe. No longer do we have to spend hours on the telephone - much to our employer's disgust - divulging our personal details, only to find that the quotes from the life insurance companies are too expensive or don't match our needs. Neither do we have to concern ourselves with taking time off work to make appointments with life insurance providers, subjecting ourselves to hours of sales talk. Of course, all of these options are still available to consumers should they prefer them, but many are now voting with their mouse and turning to online sources for life insurance quotes.


Tracking down the best quotes for life insurance

Obtaining life insurance quotes online is quick and easy. We can start our search for life insurance at our convenience any time of the day or night. If we want to find life insurance quotes at 3am in the morning, then we can do! Searching online for quotes also presents us with a great deal of choice. Almost all of the familiar names in the life insurance market have web sites on which their life insurance products are offered, and there are many less familiar names too.


For the consumer, this is great news, as the more life insurance companies there are offering their life insurance products on the Internet, then the more competition there is and so the better the price. When hunting down life insurance, or any type of insurance, it is always best to get a range of quotes as premiums can vary quite dramatically - sometimes by 300% or more! The Internet provides consumers with an efficient tool to do just this, plus they get to read about the benefits of each life insurance plan in the comfort of their own home first.

Term Life Rates


Term life insurance rates are currently at a historically low level. Increased competition in the life insurance marketplace, together with easier access to term life insurance products over the Internet has meant that life insurance is now very affordable for most. Insurance rates of £5 per month are being banded around by some term life insurance companies, making life insurance one of the cheapest forms of insurance to buy at the present time.


However, despite term life insurance rates being very competitive, those who do decide to shop around in search of the best term life insurance deal may find that they are ineligible for the lowest insurance rates. This is because the rates for term life insurance are calculated specifically upon risk. If you are deemed to be at a high risk of dying in the early years of a term life insurance policy then your insurance rates will be higher than for those who are categorised as being at a low risk of death during this period.


How your 'risk' is calculated is rather dependent upon your health and lifestyle choices. Should you be in poor health or participate in a dangerous sport then the life company is likely to see your risk level as high, and so quote you high life insurance rates. Conversely, if you are a healthy young non-smoker in a stress free job who does not participate in any dangerous sports, a 'low risk' tag will be attached to your name, allowing you to benefit from some of the lowest rates available.

Term Life Quote

It's important to compare term life quotes and not just get one. While lower cost is a popular feature of term insurance, it does not end there. A term policy may come in various forms. Though they are all technically a term policy, there are some distinct features that affect the premium. Thus, a low price policy does not guarantee you will get the most suitable policy for you. Term life insurance is available in different premiums. There is Level, Convertible and Renewable term insurance. In level term insurance policy, the premiums have been average over the life of the policy. Thus, the same premium amount is paid every year regardless of the increasing age. Renewable term insurance, on the other hand, is renewed every year. Furthermore, the person pays the premium based on their current age. As they get older, the premium amount increases. The convertible life coverage is generally slightly higher than level and renewable policies. This is the cost of having the flexibility of converting the existing term life insurance to a permanent type of life insurance. In addition, policyholders have the option of having the convertible policy to be annually renewable or level premium. Aside from comparing the various term life quotes, customers also have to review the insurance company. The insurance company needs to have the financial strength to pay out claims. One way to verify is the check the company's life insurance ratings. Rating companies use a letter grade system, where A is the highest rating. As you can see, there are many variables that affect term life quotes. You need to be fully informed of the policies and the life insurance company before making a decision.



Term Life Insurance Quotes


Everybody is running out to get term life insurance quotes now. May, be the phrase I should use is, going online to get quotes. Is it that the number of people interested in life insurance have increased dramatically with nothing driving them, or is the reason because they realize life is so easy to lose, fragile to say it mildly? After 911 and hurricane Katrina you cannot help but wonder. People say I can die at anytime, I might as well make my family have something worthwhile when I die.


The young people in the military enter their favorite branch of service with such enthusiasm. They go in, some to make it a career, some who are real warriors, and some just to get an education. They are so young. In todays military they should all get term life insurance quotes and buy some insurance, over and above what the military offers.


The American people enjoy such prosperity today. There is, however, a dear price they paid for it. Americans build industry and just when you think they have saturated all markets with a particular product, they come up with something related, but new. Look at the automobile. Thirty or forty years ago they dominated the automobile industry worldwide. The Germans and the Japanese cut deeply into this industry, until the Japanese dominated. Americans were not about to quit. They created the sports utility vehicle which put them back where they belong, in the number one position.


As far as the Life Insurance Industry is concerned, the kitchen table life insurance professional used to be the king of life insurance sales. He got his leads either from cold calling or from referrals. Today he gets his leads by giving people term life insurance quotes on his website or he buys them from someone who gets them from a website. Some companies even sell limited amounts of life insurance on the internet.