Life insurance at the present time is very affordable. Competition in the life insurance market together with the cost savings that life companies are making by operating on the Internet has depressed insurance rates, bringing them down to historic low levels. For a healthy non-smoker in their 20s, life insurance rates can in fact be as cheap as £5 per month!
However, there are many factors that influence the final outcome of the life insurance rates for any one individual. Everything from hereditary diseases to diet will figure and, depending upon the answers that we give to the insurance company, will see our life insurance rates climb higher or drop lower than the average rates for our age.
So, just what factors will affect the insurance rates that a life company will quote for life insurance? Here is a summary of the most important elements to consider: -
Age - The younger you are the lower your life insurance rates; the older you are the higher your insurance rates. Young people are seen overall as less of a risk to the life insurance company than older people. This is because the life company simply anticipates that young people with live longer than older people over a finite time from the current date forward. As a result, young people will contribute a higher number of monthly insurance payments before they die than will older people over the same timescale.
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